EDS 111 Theories Of Teaching

The Quest of Becoming a Lifelong Learner

The author Marjan Laala in her article Lifelong Learning: What does it mean? Cited different definitions about lifelong learning however I am greatly influenced by the definition given by Harper Collins Dictionary that says: Lifelong learning is the use of both formal and informal learning opportunities throughout people’s lives in order to foster the continuous development and improvement of the knowledge and skills needed for employment and personal fulfillment. Formal learning consists of learning that occurs within an organized context like formal education in schools and universities or in-company training that may lead to formal recognition like receiving a certificate or diploma. Informal learning is a learning that results from daily life activities related to family, work or leisure. It is often referred to as experiential learning and can, to a degree, be understood as accidental learning (Cedefop glossary p.70 & 76).

Dr. Costa in his writing Teachers as Continuous Learners describes lifelong learners as intelligent people who are invigorated by their continuous learning mode. They are confident and inquisitive that drives them to constantly search new and better ways to improve, grow, and modify their learning. They seize problems, situations, tensions, conflicts and circumstances as valuable opportunities to learn. They display the humility of knowing that they don’t know. Humility of knowing is the highest form of thinking that lifelong learners ever learn in a way that they can’t learn unless they are brave enough to accept to themselves the fact that they don’t know things and they are not afraid to find out. The last but not the least, they take time to reflect about their daily experiences and share their thoughts and realizations to their colleagues and apply them in their next teaching-learning episodes.

Just as the world continue to spin on its axis and the global society changes at a breathtaking speed it is of great necessity that we must adapt and change too. Our weapon is to become a lifelong learner. There are ways on how teachers can become a lifelong learner.

lifelong learner

First, is through self-knowledge.


As we continue to examine for precision about the importance of who we are and what we want to be as a teacher, we reveal our true values and beliefs about how can we change, what changes can we make and how can we adapt from that change  in order for us to be effective in learning and teaching.  This process of self-knowledge takes time, commitment, patient reflection and the ability to see beyond what our eyes can see so we can be what we intend to be in reality. This is a great sign that we are moving forward in our profession as teachers.  Also our beliefs and intentions must be relevant to our actions to make sure that we set a high standard in our teaching.

Second, is through metacognition


As we become aware of how we think and what we are thinking, that realization helps us create a mental map of what our class would be like before, during and after learning. As we engage in an ongoing cycle of questions that promote deep learning, this is seen on how we prepare our instructions that can lead to a higher level of students achievement. Also, by sharing what we are thinking to our colleagues on how we teach our students it invigorates us to become open to possibilities that can reshape and transform our own beliefs which greatly influences our decision making process.

Third, through constant interaction and  determination to collaborate with colleagues.

Team Collaboration

We collaborate about equally shared responsibilities like planning and developing instructions that focus on students achievement goals which is connected to the school learning goals; preparing teaching materials and assessments both formative and summative; identifying the present level of student achievement, establishing goal to improve the current level, seeking each other’s help to achieve that goal and providing evidence of progress; reflecting together about students learning concerns and teaching practices.  Through these activities, teachers’ sense of professionalism is enhanced and they develop a sense of community where each teacher is considered to be a member of team of learners and leaders. As teachers collaboratively engaged in conversation with colleagues, they also gain new knowledge and discover authentic ways to resolve instructional issues. In the process, they develop a shared vision and strengthen their ability to achieve the vision that they want to their schools, that is — each student learn. Moreover, as teachers collaborate they come up with strategies and learning solutions to make sure that each student learns and know how to respond in case some students are struggling through timely and directive intervention. 

Fourth, is by increasing our knowledge of the structure of disciplines and improving our knowledge base teaching.

Knowledge base

To make sure that our instruction is of high quality it must emphasise its rationality which is describe in its purpose, problem, hypotheses, ideas, solution to the problem,  types of communication, use of technology and its interconnection with other field of studies. Marzano, Pickering and Pollock believe that we need to base our teaching from the knowledge base instead of relying much on practical wisdom of teaching in order to enhance our collection of teaching competences.  Hence, the best way is to find the connection of practical wisdom to the knowledge base so that there is congruence in what we believe, what we intend to do and what we actually do in the class. Likewise, we must address the types of learners that we have in class so we can apply an appropriate differentiation in our teaching. Similarly, we must be up-to-date of the information and things that happen in  our society, in education and child development by reading education journals, articles, books, action research, surfing the internet, watch news on TV and even joining professional learning communities that would provide opportunities to improve knowledge base, and gain valuable best practices. In this manner, it only shows that teaching needs mastery of the field of study and it is applied with great wisdom and ethical concerns.

Lastly, by learning who our learners are.


By  teaching with passion and valuing our students’ personal background, learning styles and developmental levels we build trust and respect with our students which are great starting point for learning and teaching. As we acknowledge and address these factors in our teaching through differentiation of instruction and use of technology that has real-world relevance and useful in their daily life, students become “feel at home” when they learn. In return, they become more inspired and engaged in their learning and become smart about their life too.

Thus, as teachers, why should we become a lifelong learner? Becoming a lifelong learner makes us see our mistakes and challenges as part of the learning process instead of failures. Similarly, it helps us face daily classroom challenges with great confidence and expertise. Besides, it develops our creative thinking and opens our minds to possibilities of learning new things like the use of technology and multimedia which is a characteristic of 21st century learning. In addition, it helps us become innovative as we address the need of our students. Instead of doing a teacher-centered learning, a lifelong learner teacher may sort to collaborative learning environment, flipped or reciprocal teaching and other student-centered approaches. Our everyday interactions with our colleagues, students and parents are our avenues for learning if only we can see its benefit in ourselves as a teacher. It gives us new perspective of what possibilities may occur when we approach teaching in different ways. It also allows us to explore options to show our skills in real practice. As we become a lifelong learner, we are also modeling it to our students to do the same.

So, what’s my take from this module? I realized that learning is life. If I will choose to continue my quest for teaching, all the information mentioned above must be my guiding principles and I must be committed and persistent in applying them in my daily teaching practices. After all, as I continue to become a reflective lifelong learner my students will learn more too. Also, as I collaborate with my colleagues, students and parents that are involved in teaching and learning I gain great support system that can help me see things in different perspectives, embrace and adapt to the fast-paced trend of life — change, as a sign of intellectual growth and in the end will transform me to become a better teacher. This is a very challenging journey but I will move forward with great confidence, passion and determination to discover what lies ahead…


(Costa, A. (2008). Teachers as continuous learners. Retrieved from  https://www.nesacenter.org/uploaded/conferences/FLC/2011/handouts/Watts/Teachers_as_Continuous_Learners.pdf
(DuFour, R. (2004). What is a professional learning community? Educational Leadership, 61(8), 6-11. Retrieved from http://www.allthingsplc.info/files/uploads/DuFourWhatIsAProfessionalLearningCommunity.pdf
 (Laal, M. (2011). Lifelong learning: What does it mean?  Retrieved from  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marjan_Laal/publication/224767020_Lifelong_learning_What_does_it_mean/links/0912f4fba440488c32000000.pdf
 (Roberts, S. & Pruitt, E. Z. (2009). The professional learning community: An overview (Chapter 1). Retrieved from  http://www.corwin.com/upm-data/27683_Roberts_Chapter_1.pdf
Image source:
Collaboration. Retrieved from http://www.scalus.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/team-collaboration.png and https://nextstl.com/wp-content/uploads/collaboration-image-2.jpg
Knowledge base. Retrieved from  http://www.msuedtechsandbox.com/maety1_summer2011/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/TPACK2.jpg
Learners. Retrieved from http://worldartsme.com/images/english-language-learners-clipart-1.jpg
Metacognition. Retrieved from http://www.coetail.com/yenidil/files/2014/09/metacog2.png
Who me. Retrieved from https://www.emaze.com/@ACFIQFZ/LD-Overview-dec-2013-v5.pptx

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